The ASG SmartBench is a fully customizable and adjustable industrial workbench. With a focus on threaded assembly, the ASG SmartBench offers solutions for complex assembly lines.
For example, in February of 2023 a major medical device manufacturer approached ASG with a need for a new manual assembly line for a new product line. The needs of this manufacturer included many variables:
- Multiple revisions to fixture design
- Manufacturing processes, steps, and specifications needed to be defined
- Multiple target torques
- Significant number of pick-to-light (PTL) bins
- Bin assignment and configuration
- Multiple ASG X-PAQ Precision Fastening Systems fulfilling the need for both inline and right-angle tools
- ESD safe work cell
Developing the new product assembly line was an intense, multi-team project on behalf of the medical device manufacturer, and required input and approval for all stakeholders involved. Because one of ASG’s core values is to make it easy for customers to work with us, the team remained flexible and dedicated to delivering a valuable solution.
The results illustrate how the ASG SmartBench offers solutions for complex assembly lines. Ultimately, ASG delivered two 72” x 36” ASG SmartBenches with a 3-color illumination PTL poka-yoke inspired system. The benches integrated seamlessly into the customer’s current MES, which allowed the customer to send their work instructions directly the to ASG SmartBenches and in return receive all the torque data from the X-PAQs for the full lot traceability and quality control vital to the medical equipment industry.
Chris Emanuele, ASG Automation Technical Sales Engineer, states, “What’s truly great about these ASG SmartBenches is that there really is no limit to how you can customize them. You can be in medical manufacturing and need a multi-function workstation or in a high mix, low volume production environment with two assembly steps requiring semi-automated screwdriving—ASG can build the SmartBench for you.”
To learn more about how the ASG SmartBench can act as a productivity enhancement and provide effective solutions for even complex assembly lines, contact an automation expert today!