ASG SmartBench Assembly Workstation
Fully customizable industrial workbench designed to help you work smarter
Incredibly wide variety based around ASG Automation’s standard product group:
- Auto feed screw driving systems
- Screw presenters
- Hand tools
Which can be integrated with:
- ASG torque arms
- Tool balancers
- ASG X-PAQ torque control system
- Nav-P systems
- And more!
Fully customizable with any number of operations, such as:
- Augmented reality (AR) interactive assembly guides
- Pick-to-light systems
- Bar coding
- Modular fixturing to accommodate multiple products or lines
Other options include:
- Frame types: aluminum extrusion or heavy-duty steel weldment
- Adjustable work height: manual or electric
- Work surfaces: anodized aluminum, laminate, composite, ESD safe material
Additional productivity enhancers:
- Lighting
- Multi-outlet strips
- Tool holders